Monday, October 20, 2008

The Return of Terry Tate: Office Linebacker - The Sarah Palin Chronicles

In case you don't remember this monster of a dude, "Terry Tate: Office Linebacker" was a character developed for a series of Reebok commercials that first aired during the Super Bowl back in 2003.  His main purpose was to give out the pain to workers who are not obeying office policies.  I used to love these commercials back in the day because I always wished a humongous, roid-filled linebacker would come through and take out the annoying and useless morons in my office with a monstrous clothesline tackle.

Now Terry Tate is back and more pissed off than ever.  He's all fired up about Sarah Palin in particular and can't handle her inability to answer a question with a simple answer.  I think we all felt the same way when we heard her interviewed for the first time.  Painful!

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