New England Patriots' Right Guard Dan Connolly's Sick Kickoff Return (IMPRESSIVE)
Although the game was a little too close for comfort last night, it was nice to see the Pats pull off the win against the Packers. The best play of the night had to be Dan Connolly's kickoff return. He is normally a Right Guard on the offensive line but he also plays on special teams. He's obviously out there for blocking but the ball came right to him on a squib kick but instead of falling on it like most big guys do, he decided to run it back. He had some nice blocking but he also made a few nice moves and he actually looked pretty comfortable doing it. His speed was impressive too and it certainly surprised the shit out of the Packers. He didn't look half bad out there!
I doubt he ever thought he would have the chance to return a kick for much more than a few yards yet alone run it back 70 yards to about the 4 yard line. It's too bad he couldn't get it in to the end zone but it was a great play and it allowed the Pats to score a TD a few minutes later. I can guarantee that will be the best highlight of his career.
Here are the highlights from the game: