Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Little Kid Destroys Older Dude in B-Boy Battle (NASTY)

Damn!  This kid is freakin' sick!  He absolutely DESTROYED the older B-Boy dude who wasn't even that bad himself.  I can't confirm this is accurate but based on the comments on YouTube it sounds like the little man is 9 years old and goes by the name of Lil Demon.  Fresh!

On a side note, I think little kids have a huge advantage in break dancing because of their small stature and light weight.  It's a lot easier to flip yourself around and spin on your head and hands when you only way like 50 pounds.  It's just a matter of being strong enough and having the skill.  I stopped being able to do any cool break dancing moves past the age of 12 or 13 because I was getting too big.  Shit was way easier when I was a young buck rockin' out on my cardboard to the Breakin' soundtrack. 

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