Thursday Throwbacks: Young Kanye West Freestyles & Impresses Jay-Z In The Studio
This isn't the typical type of video for Thursday Throwbacks but I came across this the other day and thought it was pretty cool. It's funny to see a young Kanye trying to impress Jay-Z and others at Roc-A-Fella Records. They were already using his beats but no one believed he could be an MC. It's kind of funny knowing what we know now and seeing this and realizing they had no idea what he was capable of doing. If you would have told these dudes he would grow up to be one of the biggest names in Hip Hop and music in general, you would get laughed out of the room.
Some of the beats and flows that Kanye uses are dirty! I still like his new style and evolution but it rawness from the early days is still my favorite Kanye style. He wasn't arrogant or spoiled by money and success yet so he was hungry as shit and it came out in his work. Respect.