Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bikini Golf at 61 Degrees (JAPAN RULES!!)

Why do the Japanese always come up with the best freakin' ideas?  They have some of the most insane Game Shows you'll ever see, their inventions are unbelievable (literally) and they continue to pump out incredible ideas like Bikini Golf

There are two things I love about this video.  First, the chick is obviously pretty damn hot.  She gets a little annoying because she says "Hai" (which means yes) over and over again but I didn't even notice that until I watched the video for the 10th time. 

The second awesome thing about this video is the fact that this chick actually has some game!  That's a great looking swing and she can hit the ball a ton.  She's obviously a very good golfer so I am a little confused why she would be willing to slightly humiliate herself by playing golf in a bikin at 61 degrees and have it filmed.  Who really cares though?  I'm just glad she did it.  HOT! - Addicted to Sneakers, Sports, Hip Hop and Gadgets

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