Thursday, March 31, 2011

Les Twins & The Adidas Megalizer Beat Making Shoe (SICK)

So originally, I was going to just post the video above that I found yesterday of the sick dancing duo, Les Twins but then I did a little more digging and found some unreal shit I was never expecting. I guess these guys are pretty big in the dance scene and even did a commercial for the new Adidas Megalizer. I had actually never heard of this until now but it's a new shoe with technology that connects to your computer and allows you to make beats with your feet. That's some crazy shit! How have I not heard about this until now? I need to step my game up.

I'm so glad I didn't just stop at the first video or would have never found these gems.  These dudes are ridiculous!

You can check out more of their videos on YouTube at YakFilms.

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