Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Entourage Season 5 Teaser - First New Episode Airs September 7th

Yeah man!  It's about f'n time Entourage made it back to HBO.  I can't wait for the first new episode to air September 7th.  What's with late start date though?  Didn't Entourage always premier in the summer?  I think that's part of the reason why it got so popular so fast, other than being a cool show.  There is absolutely NOTHING to watch in the summertime and that was always the one brightspot. 

They missed the boat on that one in my opinion.  I could have cared less about the Olympics (other than Team USA) and was really hungry for something good to watch when I got home from work and had nothing to do other than play XBox 360.  Instead, I just watched earthquake, hurricane, alien, Bigfoot and future shows on SciFi, Discovery and National Geographic.  Honestly, I could watch anything, as long as it's in HD... 

Entourage is the only reason why I even pay for that damn channel anymore now that the Sopranos are done.  I can never find a decent movie to watch with all of their channels and free OnDemand movies.  WTF!  Step your game up, HBO.  I think I've seen Knocked Up about 45 times at this point and I don't really even like it.

And can one of my friends get famous already, please?!?!  I need to be in someone's Entourage ASAP because I am really sick of working a 9 to 5.  I would like to channel my inner Turtle before I get too old.  Where you at Anonimus!?!?!

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