Thursday, September 4, 2008

Shawn Johnson's Taco Pops!

"My taco's the best!"
I bet it is!

"It makes my taco POP!"
I bet it does!

This commercial is fantastic and creepy at the same time. Shawn Johnson is just plain hot in her short, stubby little bow legged way. She's even cuter with her hair down instead of being pulled super tight with her eyebrows on the side of her head like she did in the Olympics. I would love to taste her taco. Believe that.

But why are these pansy ass Hamm brothers in this commercial? They kind of ruin the vibe. They sound like they just sucked on a helium tank, among sucking on other things. These "guys" bring nothing to the table and take the attention from our hottie SJ. Not cool, Ortega.

Overall, this is comedy gold and soft porn all at the same time. Too bad this wasn't a commercial for the Pink Taco...


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