Wednesday, August 27, 2008

9-year-Old Boy Told He's Too Good To Pitch in Little League

About a billion people have already chimed in on this situation with the 9-Year Old Little Leaguer but I had to throw in my two cents before the story got too old since this really pissed me off.  This whole situation is really disturbing and  makes me very nervous about having kids.  Seriously.  I don't know if I will be able to handle bitchy little parents complaining about every little thing if I am going to be a coach in the future.

This kid is too good?  How is this even an issue?  He thinks it's his fault that his team can't play which is absurd.  I really feel bad for him and his parents.  At this rate, the kid is going to end up quitting baseball altogether because he is going to have some serious mental issues after this is all said and done.  WTF!!!  He could be the next great pitching phenom and instead people are keeping him from just playing at all. 

I do not want my son or daughter growing up to think it's OK to quit on things that they committed to or that no one loses in life.  This situation is exactly what I fear.  I really hope my kids are good at sports but if they are not, that is a situation I will have to deal with myself.  I will not take it out on the other kids that are better than mine by taking my kid off the field.  I still want them playing because it will keep them from sitting on their asses and getting fat and will teach them some things.  I don't even think it's the kids that are complaining really.  It's their bitch ass parents.  Many little kid sports leagues have stopped keeping score and there are no wins or losses.  The kids keep score anyway, so what the F is the point?  What are you sheltering them from?  It's not the end of the world to say "You didn't play well enough.  You lost".
Just because as an adult you are a big pussy and sucked at sports doesn't mean that your own kid should grow up the same way.  I don't even care if kids do suck at sports, they should still try a few growing up because it is one big life lesson and they might actually have some FUN.  You win and you lose at sports just as you do in life.  If someone strikes you out, you don't cry and complain that the kid was throwing too hard.  You go home and practice every day to get better so that you aren't afraid next time.

There were plenty of kids that threw gas when I was in little league and might have had me a little nervous but I sacked up and swung the bat like a big boy.  If I got hit in the back or arm, so be it.  That's part of the game.  For christ's sake, I remember drilling a kid in the helmet (by accident) and breaking his ear flap off.  The kid was petrified and I don't think he ever played baseball again.  I threw heat but I also had zero control so in actuality, there should have been more of an issue with me pitching than this kid.  I could have actually hurt someone where as this kid sounds like he has nice control and is just a great pitcher.  He's only throwing 40 MPH.  It's good but not excessive for that age range.    

As most normal people understand, not everything will always go your way and someone will always be bettter than you at EVERYTHING in life whether it be school, work or whatever.  Are you really going to shelter your kids from this life lesson and make them think that they can just do whatever they want and everything will be fine?  Do we really want these children (who will be in the workforce in just under 12 years or so) to think that you can just quit and not face the hard task at hand because they are afraid of the outcome or that their feellings might get hurt?  Tough shit. Suck it up bitches! 

We are raising a country of sissies that don't know how to lose with some dignity or just lose in general.  I am already starting to see these little douches sprout up in the workforce and it's really pathetic.  I want to just punch them in the face when I hear their punk asses complaining about something lame.  You tell them that they need to step it up or improve their performance or they risk losing their job and they act like they are going to cry or call their parents because they don't know how to handle failure.  I am very scared about what this country could be in just a few short years.  Let's get some balls people before this becomes a bigger issue.

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